Strategic Interventionist and Coach
Master NLP and Hypnosis Practitioner
Master TLT / CYF Practitioner
Well-being Coach​​​

Feel like you are hanging on by a thread?
Or that you have let life continue around you that you now feel stuck?

Life has in some way become very frustrating that NOW it is time to make changes...

Some call them New Year´s Resolutions yet we are aware that more that 80% of the Resolutions are never achieved.​​​​
Recognising that you have more within to do, offer and improve is always the starting point of change and the drive to do that. A Personal Breakthrough Session can explore and resolve through coaching allowing you to make the best decision for you.

Coaching is offering support to you when a decision has to be made, you are at a crossroads or even in the middle of a spaghetti junction and wondering which is the best route out for long term happiness... What is to achieve is often when we are in this situation we attempt to make decision with our head (logical decisions and many times this places blinkers round our eyes and we miss a lot of other information that is going on)... thus with coaching we explore what decisions you are making, and then how you have been making them and if what we value, believe at the moment (from learning it throughout our lives still) serves us. Using techniques from Strategic Intervention Coaching training, NLP Coaching, Time Line Therapy and Hypnosis we can eliminate our negative thoughts and limiting beliefs and decisions to create ‘Your Future’.

What I offer is a ONE day Change Perspective, Change Your Life session. There will be an initial FREE consultation. The Day will then commence exploring what you want and what you believe has been stopping you for achieving it to date, followed by some tasks will be set throughout the day to get clarity. This is succeeded with effective and empowering intervention techniques and , finally developing a plan that will Create Your Future. During the following 3 months there will be additional one-to-one sessions to evaluate your progress. 

So what to do next - Be different and unique.
Start 2014​ in a New Direction...

Contact Louise to
find out more about your Change Perspective, Change Your Life Session, go to Contact.
'Success is buried on the other side of frustration.'
​Tony Robbins​


Free Initial Consultation
One Day Personal Breakthrough Session
Follow-up sessions during the subsequent 3 months

​Resulting in a big leap towards the future you have always desired

£​​500 All inclusive

Start 2014 by giving yourself the opportunity for the life you have dreamed of​​
a new career / job
a fabulous relationship
a healthier lifestyle​​​
or a 'first' in whatever area you want...
​To find out what people are saying please read some Testimoninals
Create the life you want with
​friendly support ​and encouragement all the way...
Louise MacFarlane

Change Perspective, Change Your Life

​Free Initial Consultation - One Day Breakthrough - Followup Sessions
50% discount till 30 June 2014